Labor Logs and its benefits

         In reading and writing class I have learned many things. One that I feel has helped me not only in this class but also in my other classes is my labor log. My labor log has helped me to learn where and when I work and read the best. For example, I have learned that when I work in the library, for one, I actually work, and two, I tend to consistently have a scale 5 focus. In reflecting upon my labor log, I tend do most of my work just before it is due. But I do my best work in the mornings or at night in the library.
         I think that a benefit of keeping track through your labor log is being able to identify patterns and be able to reflect upon them and fix them. And this can be done in all classes. In my math class, I usually start my online assignments right before they're due and sometimes I am unable to do them at all then I am stuck with no help. So it is helpful to see that I need to break this habit.


  1. I think these are good points on why the labor log is beneficial. I've also experienced the same benefits that you list.

  2. Brady,

    This kind of reflection and self-regulation is exactly what leads to success. Of course, once you've learned how you work best, the next step is to make yourself follow your own advice. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I believe this vital understanding about one's life helps him know better as a person and engage in the society as more experienced and thoughtful individual. It takes immense observation to have notice all these aspects so closely; towards which I see Brady you have done a wonderful job.

  4. I completely agree with the idea that the labor log is an extremely helpful tool. I too find myself referring to the labor log in order to see where and at when I work at my best.


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