Throughout my time in this class I've learned many things. These things included my work habits and different ways of writing. I noticed that my habits of doing work were very different depending on location. While I did work at home there were times where I would not be very engaged, but if it was done in the afternoon or right when it becomes nighttime I found it easier to do the work. However, I found that if did my work at noon on campus I was more engaged than if I did it at another time on campus. There has also been different things I learned about writing. I learned different ways that I could change my writing according to my audience which I've used in a couple of my classes. I've also used exigence in those same writings. I feel that all these lessons will be useful even after the class since the rest of the papers I will write will always have an audience.
Showing posts from December, 2019
Yadira's Transfer Blog 2
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While taking CAD I have learned a lot when it comes to reading long and difficult articles. In some of my other classes I have received readings and articles that where difficult for me to understand and I would many times get distracted while reading. When I was given this kind of reading I used the Reading Strategies List that as a class we came up with to help me get through it. While in my FYS class I was given an article to annotate and the Reading Strategies List helped me get through it. I found myself highlighting important things and I would re read the article to understand what I am the article is saying. I would also write in the margins and look up the words I did not understand.
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Analyzing and understanding The analyzation that we do in our CAD 101 class has really help me understand what I'm reading in other classes.It has helped me to understand my writing better because I know now with the shared techiniques of my classmate's how to annotate better. I have applied certain techniques that I have use for my self as well so that I could gather more information from the text's. Analyzing might some times be really hard or confusing at times, but the way to make them better is just about on how you approach the text as well. Here is an example of my chemistry notes, in which I have applied this techniques on.
Encouraging Communication within the Classroom
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One key thing that I believe that I learned or improved on this semester is having the confidence to speak your mind within a class setting. Previously in my life, I would rarely speak up while in class. It was as though I was almost afraid to be wrong. However, through taking this class I realized that I was completely ignorant of the fact that I could learn so much more if I was simply not afraid to be wrong. You see, while taking this class I learned that there is no wrong answer when speaking your mind. You might get a different answer than a classmate, however, neither of you are wrong. It is vitally important to be confident enough to speak your mind during class. I was lucky enough to be able to improve on this in my first semester while enrolled in CAD101A, where a conversational environment is promoted.
Madisyn's Transfer Blog 2
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A rhetorical concept that I find my self thinking about and using Audience Awareness in some of my other classes, I tried to make my presentation as engaging as possible while also being proficient in teaching the class. When I made the presentation I was thinking about the audience perspective and how they will perceive the presentation. My class situation for this was a current event presentation that I choose to do on the wildfires that where happening during that period in time. In my presentation I made it visually engaging through bright and eye catching colors, for the wording I tried to has as minimal words on the presentation possible so that my audience was engaged in listening and the information would not get lost through having to read and listening.