Prior to taking this class, I did not speak out or participate in class. And when I did, I simply answered what I knew and that was all. But in this CAD class, we do not simply answer what we know, we elaborate on why or how we know it, and why something is that way instead of identifying that it is a certain way. Also, thinking aloud verbally or by writing notes in margins, is a skill that has helped me in other classes. An example of this is like what is shown above. We can read a title of something we are about to read and think aloud to ourselves to try and figure it out. This not only helps us better grasp what we are learning in the reading but gets us more engaged. This has helped me in environmental science because instead of simply memorizing the different facts about sediments, I can think aloud on my the names are the way they are and see if we can decipher what it is before we read its definition. And when we do find out what the sediment is, we elaborate on why it ...